Prevalence of Amyloid Cerebral Deposits and Cognitive Outcome After Stroke: The IDEA3 Study
Olivier Godefroy, Mélanie Barbay, Jeanne Martin, Trevor Shields, Chantal Lamy, Audrey Courselle-Arnoux, Sandrine Canaple, Claire Leclercq, Martine Roussel, Marc-Etienne Meyer, Etienne Marchal, Frank A. Wollenweber,
J Stroke. 2023;25(2):315-319.   Published online 2023 May 30     DOI:
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Are we ready to cure post-stroke cognitive impairment? Many key prerequisites can be achieved quickly and easily
Olivier Godefroy, Ardalan Aarabi, Yannick Béjot, Geert Jan Biessels, Bertrand Glize, Vincent CT Mok, Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, Igor Sibon, Hugues Chabriat, Martine Roussel
European Stroke Journal.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef